SEO For Profit was Created by Business Owners For Business Owners
We Understand Profit – We Get it – It’s the ONLY THING That Matters!
Our Offer To You…
As business owners ourselves – we’ve hired 3 different SEO companies.
We could see the possibilities with SEO over other lead generation strategies.
Here’s what we could clearly see…
Those searching on Google for a product or service have some level of intention-to-buy. And you can see those with a high intention to buy simply by what they are searching for.
7 Pieces To Consider

If they use these words in their search on Google…

1. The cost of
3. Buy
Those clearly show someone with a strong intention to buy.
But if they also search using...
4. A specific location
5. A detailed description – (beyond the common use of 2 or 3 words)
This just shows they are being specific and so more likely to be looking to take action.
Even that...

6. Some products or services are found primarily by a Google search
7. How it has just become natural for us to “Go Google” when we’re considering buying a product or service – in order to find the best option
We could see the opportunity but despite hiring three separate companies never seemed to achieve the full success we thought was there for us.
So much so that we started doing our own SEO. We never wanted to do that. It was driven by seeing the potential SEO offers but not feeling confident we were getting the results that were possible.

The three big things we consistently were
told by each of the 3 companies was…
1)Google is fickle – so we can’t know how long it will take.
2)SEO takes time – 3 months would be a short time to start seeing results.
3)SEO can be very competitive – (and take 6 – 12 months to kick in)
THERE IS TRUTH – in each of those 3 statements
- The Approach never seemed to include a “Fast-Track Option.”
- It felt very “cookie-cutter” and not at all innovative.
- It felt to us like “They were lucky” – lucky in that they could provide such a vanilla service simply because the prospects of SEO were so compelling.
These 3 Questions Kept Coming to Us…

1.Isn’t there – “Some Way” – to find a faster SEO result?
2.Can’t we find a way to conquer the competitive search terms in a faster way?
3.Aren’t there unique & better strategies besides what everyone else is doing?
Luckily – the last SEO company – we were using – became really delayed and that was the final straw for us…
That pushed us to research and trial different strategies ourselves.
It did take months but we did break through – we did find critical ways to expedite SEO results for ourselves.
It’s exciting to see just how possible it is.
Like anything…
It’s easy once you know how.
As we discovered how to do and implement what we had discovered…
The feeling we had was…
Imagine how many other businesses could benefit from what we have learned.
Imagine how businesses we could help save time and money getting SEO results.
We could see we had great value we could offer
fellow business owners and SEO for Profit was born.
That’s what it's all about…
SEO For Busy Business Owners.
Who Just Want Results Quickly…
Of course we can’t promise or guarantee a profit but we can promise…
- We believe we have the skills.
- We believe we have the tools. (GREAT SEO TOOLS)
- We sure do have the intention…
To pursue PROFIT first – not merely “creating work” so there’s an invoice to be paid. We are here solely to help other business owners realise profits from those searching on Google very specifically wanting to buy what you have to offer them.
It's exciting for us…

Here's the 5 Best Ways We Have Found
To Help Accelerate SEO Results…

#1.The Core of all Google Positioning Success is High-Quality Backlinks.
Backlinks really just means another website referring to your website so you gain authority or credibility with Google.
One of the SEO companies we had used mentioned how they had found back-linking opportunities with high-authority websites – “for one of their clients”
They had not mentioned this to us before this.
We had to probe into it to discover – YES such opportunities did exist buuuut…

We were so disappointed to realise the level of self-interest that was at play with the SEO companies we had hired.
Not Us…
We want to add profit to your business.
We will clearly show you these opportunities and make them available to you.
We’ve even seen how SEO companies tend to use these types of back-linking strategies…
For Themselves!
We discovered this after researching how SEO companies themselves work to get positioned on Google.
The Tools We Use Show us all This Data…
And For Your Competition As Well.
We Can See Exactly What is Required For You

This was SO enlightening to see what other companies were doing for themselves and yet hadn’t
been telling us…
We will be transparent in showing this to you so it is crystal clear. (nothing hidden)
And all in our no charge reveal all consult…
- This was once again surprising. Once we got into it ourselves and checked our sites we found tech errors
that were damaging our SEO results. - You would think that SEO experts would be great “Tech People”.
- And yet each of these 3 companies had made their own form of significant errors and all revealed by using one simple tool.
- Mind you – we had to dig deep to find this tool. It actually seems like these other SEO companies just were not aware of how to find and use this tech-error finding tool.
- We’ve now trained a team to use the tool so this can be done super-fast.
- Google search is itself, a technology-based tool. The quality of the tech on your website is easy to get wrong and yet so very important that your website “speaks to google” and lifts your overall SEO results.
So critical! We can help!

#3.YOUR WEBSITE CONTENT – (Quality - Teaching Content - Systematised)
All SEO companies talk about how much credit Google gives a website for offering Quality, Ongoing Content.
Google loves quality and it loves seeing a commitment to fresh content.
And yet if you’ve ever hired an SEO company their content tends to be flat.
We could tell it was done using a template or using AI or some other low-quality option.
GREAT content that stands out to google.
Requires a GREAT system that produces unique content not same-same content.
YES – your content has to have the words your customers are searching for added but more and more Google is on the hunt for CONTENT QUALITY and gives great credit for that quality.
Each SEO Company We Previously Hired
Ourselves Emphasised How Important it Was
This was regardless of if it was for a blog post, for an article, on a webpage, etc.

We had this one instance where we had a 30-minute script for an overview video.
We took that entire content and added it to a page and Boom…
It saw that page jump significantly in rank.
When we asked about it – we were told – yes most people find it hard to come up with larger amounts of content but if it is quality content then definitely more is better.
They never told us this…
One of the consultants we privately consult with at SEO For Profit is a high caliber speaker trainer who taught well known speakers how to take their knowledge and turn it into a course. (IE: Teaching content)
He has taught our entire content-creation team his protected Intellectual Property so we can bring this to you.
It is easy once you know how and we know how.
We Have Secured The Rights to be the Only SEO Company
that This Unique Process is Available to.
Such a Strategic Advantage For US Here at SEO For Profit
That We Get To Quickly Pass On To You
This Unique Process is designed to Create – TEACHING CONTENT…
1.People on Google are looking to learn – they have a problem.
They are looking for a solution. Google wants to supply them with Content that teaches them how to solve their problems
You Can Experience Samples of our Own High-Quality Teaching Content

1000 Words of quality content is good but
1500 words of quality content is better and
3000 words of quality content is even better.
Google rewards the site with the largest
quantity of quality content.
2.In a substantive way the process not only unpacks great quality
content it also increases the overall amount of content available.
For instance, taking 1000 words and expanding that into 1500 – 3000 words.
We’ll Show You Real-Life Examples In Our…
#4.Ranking advancements often showing within days - (not months)
And yet your results can quickly be accelerated.
With companies we hired we saw our Google rankings fluctuate in a really significant way.
There wasn’t ever a solid explanation for this other than…
We Never Know What Google Will Do
We Had To Much at Stake To Accept This Answer.
When we decide to “do something” – our commitment to research is exhaustive.

IE: To keep looking until we find the answer.
We do like to keep our processes and consultants and strategies as private as possible so that we protect those assets – so we maintain the level of competitive advantage we can offer you.
We are far more revealing in our no-charge consult just reluctant to be so visible with our proprietary methods and assets.
Just to show you though – before you book a consult with us – that we do walk the talk we shall reveal…
We have found a type of tool we refer to as… An Alternate Crawler.
In simple terms…
For Google to rank your site the term they use to describe how their technology does this is called “a crawl.”
IE: The tech crawls through your site to see where it should be on Google.

No SEO Company Ever Mentioned Using Such an Alternate Crawler.
And, To Us, Our Fluctuating Results Were The
Symptom That They Just Didn’t Know of It.

This is NOT a “website checker”. Essentially, it’s the same sort of tech that Google uses so we can see exactly what Google will see and most importantly improve your site exactly where it needs improving.
These Improvements Can be Made Quickly – They Simply Need to be Identified.
WE ALWAYS – See Multiple Ways To Improve How Google See’s Your Website
The Tool is what makes it so quick for us to resolve for you..
We have found another tool. Its got its own super-powers including how it allows us to “Submit to be crawled” direct to Google.
This means Google see’s the changes made and can quickly adjust your position position on Google.
With the combination of these two tools – we can see your rank advancements happening quickly, (often within days certainly not months)
We don’t see any other SEO company talking about this combination.

Here’s Where Profit Can Come Quickly With SEO…
RE: Doing the research required to find EASY words to rank for.
We were under the belief that because SEO had been around for so long and because we were always told it would take time to achieve results that…
EASY-PROFIT – Opportunities Just Did Not Exist.
We First Discovered How Easy This Was With Our Own Tiny Homes Business
Within Weeks We Were Generating 25 – 30 Strong Buyer Leads Every Single Week
We’ve Been Shocked Now to Regularly Find Easy – Google-Position Opportunities
…Because we’re profit-driven these are always opportunities with the intent to buy.
IE: The person searching is looking to buy (what you are offering)
A sneak-peak inside one
of our favorite Super-Tools…

We have to reiterate…
This was true in very competitive and profitable niches like…
- Professional Services – Dentistry, Legal, Accounting Etc.
- Alternative Health – Cryo-Therapy, Massage, Oxygen Therapy
- Vintage Furniture – Classic Watches
- Tiny Homes, Modular Homes, Granny flats
- Beauty Industry – including something as popular as Facials.
- Crypto, Bakery, Transport, Real Estate and more.
SPECIAL NOTE: About 50% of the time these opportunities are from people using unusual words to search for what they’re looking to buy.
1) Super Hard – 85: Lucrative and competitive market example. Difficult to gain Google position for even 1000 searches per month.
2) Hard – 31: We tap into our tools and expertise and see that with a slight adjustment to the keyword (add the word company) we can significantly reduce the degree of difficulty.
3) Medium – 17: We can also see how we can further reduce the degree of difficulty which means we can tap into 1200 searches per month in a lucrative and competitive market with relative ease and speed.

We Spend a Great Amount of Time “Digging” To Find
These Opportunities For You Because
Once Found – They Can Help Create…
It’s as surprising as it is exciting to be able to help you in this way.

YOUR Google-Positioning Opportunities Revealed…
60-Minutes – NO-CHARGE
The SHOW ME – Don’t TELL ME – Don’t Sell-Me – SEO Consult
We Want to Prove our Value to You
WE SHALL REVEAL – (so your profit-potential is clear) – 5 Opportunities

- Your low-cost – but high-powered – back-linking options.
- Your Easy Google-Position Opportunities
- How the tech of your website can be a lot stronger – for SEO.
- Samples of SEO-Optimized content personally written for you. PLUS…
- Important Tips on how to make your website sell better.
We’ll Spend 2 -3 hours of our Top Strategists and
Team Members Time (NOT-outsourced)