It’s Got To Be a Win-Win…
As the name would suggest we are profit-oriented. (SEO for Profit)
For us, it’s not worth doing unless it’s profitable for you. It’s got to be a FAST Win-Win for us both.
We are business owners who understand – Cashflow is King…
If we don’t feel we can find Google-profit for you that is really clear and rather quick to come to fruition – we simply won’t offer you SEO service.
SEO For Profit is Set Up By Business Owners For Business Owners.
We understand profit – We get it – It’s the only thing that matters.
In other words… We don’t see ourselves merely as SEO service providers. We aren’t trying to “make work for ourselves” – simply so we can… “Issue The Invoice”
This has been our experience, SEO service providers with a focus on, issuing an invoice and not always on helping a business see or realise potential profits, as quickly as is possible.
We are profit seekers - Seeking possible profit centres for you.
Once we find such opportunities – it’s then and only then that we feel motivated to help. This becomes the win-win business relationship we aspire to create between us.
As mentioned…
We are business owners. We own and operate our own diverse range of businesses.
We use our proprietary SEO strategies, tools and assets to advance our own businesses and outperform our own competitors.
We’ve trained a team initially for ourselves but now believe…
We can bring what we’ve learned through time, frustration and cost to other business owners, like yourself.
We could even say we feel a responsibility to do so knowing just how difficult earning profit from a business can be. We know how difficult being a business owner is. We know the commitment it takes. We know the responsibility you shoulder.
We know we can help and so we feel we must.
SPECIAL NOTE – (privacy & exclusivity)
- It has cost us a lot to know what we know and to have the resources and assets we now have available to us.
- We see this as our ability to give you an edge. A strong advantage that just might be incredibly profitable and therefore very much worth protecting.
- We consider it all very confidential and therefore careful to keep it all close to our chest.
- We want to see you beating your competition and keeping the strategies we use as exclusive to you as possible. Rest assured we honor your privacy.
- IE: We won’t list you on our site as a client – so as best as possible – your advantage is kept confidential.
This is very real for us…
We genuinely have unique strategies to offer you.
- And that is plural. It’s not just one or two high-value strategies that we want to protect and leverage. We have several…
Their Impact Can Be Compounding
We Believe
This is The Advantage You Need
This is The Speed-To-Result You Desire
You truly can have a huge competitive advantage that leads to higher profit potential.
Our best option for you to see us as a viable partner in securing profit from SEO is…
To Show You Your Potential Profit Centres…
Where There is Profit For You From Google Search
Using Our Exclusive SEO Strategies
This is why we will spend quality time with you on our consult.
These consults are rich with value – value you can see and understand.
We don’t just follow the fundamentals of SEO…
We offer detailed Marketing & Google search expertise to find you really clear SEO profit opportunities.
SEO Fundamentals...
- Keyword at the front of Title, Description & Sub-title.
- Content on page – minimum of 1000 words.
- Proper Keyword density. (not too much)
- Improve load speed (compress image size, etc)
- Determine how to gain position for primary keywords.
SEO Speed Strategies...
- Teaching Content (1500 words) – 2X per week
- Remove Tech Errors = Quickly Speaks to Google.
- Quality Local Backlinks (Think Local)
- Backlinks – from Blogger, News or PR Websites.
- Find the easy Google positioning opp,s.
SPECIAL NOTE: We’re not suggesting to avoid SEO fundamentals. We just want to add SPEED, at the same time.
To Earn Your Trust – We Reveal These to You at ZERO CHARGE.
Real Evidence of the Profit Potential
“The Profit Reveal Consult”
It will only take one hour of your time.
We will invest many hours on your behalf – (at no cost to you)
We know our responsibility is…
That Engaging us is Worth The Cost.
You genuinely have nothing to lose
But the risk of an hour of your time.
And even as we say that – we understand how precious an hour of your time is. We do and so we promise you will be wowed and grateful for our time spent plus the hour you invested to see the profit-potential we have discovered for you.
“The Profit Reveal Consult”
As stated earlier we have uncovered multiple strategies. This has occurred in two ways…
ONE: Direct Research – and experience with what other SEO companies were not revealing to us even though we were a high-paying client. We have spent a lot of time money and effort to “get to the bottom of it” – and find “The Fast-Acting Strategies.”
TWO: Weak Spots Discovered…
In doing all of that research we did we recognised additional weak spots we wanted to also fill.
We could see the opportunity to hire A+ expertise to help us fill those gaps so we could be the only gap-free SEO Agency.
EACH A+ CONSULTANT – We hired had their own unique approaches in their own chosen field of expertise.
We Don’t See Any Other Company That Has Done This
1) Speaker Trainer – Who taught high-profile speakers how to unpack their content so it can be strategically delivered. Strategic delivery – meaning it would help their audience better comprehend and learn what they wanted to teach.
IE: High-quality teaching content that can be readily absorbed.
EXACTLY – The Type of Content That Google LOVES.
Google see’s itself as providing solutions to problems. Otherwise known as providing the best teaching and learning content possible.
High-level, International speakers paid $6,000 each to learn this proprietary skill for their own individual workshops. SEO Tools don’t measure the actual value and substance of the quality of the content but we have our own internal quality content score
SPECIAL NOTE : We Have Secured Exclusive Rights – to use IP for the creation of content for SEO.
We See This as a Tremendous Advantage…
Most every website that is trying to gain position on Google is providing content to do so. Google is looking for – the best of that content.
We could say the Quality of your Content is King as it relates to Cash-Flow from SEO.
- We gleaned from each of them…
– But we wondered what we had yet to discover.
- It always felt like we didn’t have all the information or the strongest strategy. That was not good enough for us. We wanted a tech star who “had it all.”
- We define tech star as having deep knowledge
across multiple tech arena’s. - We believe this can create diverse understanding
helping to make unique and valuable connections.
In our case…
Hiring a tech star is how we discovered the idea of an alternative crawler but so much more as well.
To know how to position you - Google crawls your site – this is a technology.
To achieve the highest position on Google – your site should tick all the tech boxes.
You want to make it really, really easy for Google to read your site and most websites do not.
In fact – it’s very likely, that without knowing it – Your web designer and / or web developer have done things that are damaging Googles ability to read your website.
It’s not their fault but it is very important to get it fixed.
We’ve yet to see even one website that can’t quickly have the tech improved to further help with ranking on Google.
We can quickly show you a report on what needs to be fixed and just as fast get to fixing it.
3) Top Ranked Copywriting Trainer & Coach…
He teaches unique strategies like…
- Read-Speed
- Rhythm – Cadence – Crescendo
- Teach-To-Engage
The idea being that in multiple ways, the content keeps people engaged keeps them reading. IE: They spend more time on your site.
Google positions you better when visitors stay on your site longer.
We recognised the tremendous asset this was for SEO. It truly is something that can set you apart from the competition (in Googles eyes) in a really big way.
We wanted this asset for our own content so we could use it for our own SEO positioning. We’d feel like we weren’t giving you every advantage possible if you didn’t have these engagement strategies working for you as well.
WE’VE INVESTED – So We Can Provide Excellence…
We’ve paid for the exclusive right to use these techniques in content creation for SEO purposes.
We believe it is so worth it.
A one-time cost that now allows us to bring unusual value to you.
And So – Who Are We & How Can We Help You..
We’re a Business For Business Owners.
We only started this because we knew we had unique value to offer any business owner who would just give us the chance to prove HERE
it to them.
We Believe We’ll Rock You in The
First 15 Minutes of Our Consult.
So Much So, That The Full Hour Will
Fly By Because You’ll Be Receiving
So Much Unusual Value.
What You’ll Gain From Us Anywhere Else.